We perform dilation and curettage to diagnose and cure specific uterine conditions — such as significant bleeding — or to clean the uterine lining after a miscarriage or abortion.

At a dilation and curettage — occasionally spelled “dilatation” and curettage — we use small tools or medicine to open (dilate) your cervix — the lower, narrow portion of your uterus. Curettes utilized in a D&C could be eloquent or utilize suction.

Dilation and curettage can diagnose or cure a uterine condition.

To diagnose a state
We might recommend a Sort of D&C called endometrial sampling to diagnose a state if:

  • You’ve abnormal uterine bleeding
  • You encounter bleeding after menopause
  • Your physician finds abnormal endometrial cells through a routine test for cervical cancer

To execute the evaluation, we collect a tissue sample from the lining of the uterus (endometrium) and sends the sample to a laboratory for testing. The evaluation can assess for:

  • Endometrial hyperplasia — a precancerous condition where the uterine lining becomes too thick
  • Uterine polyps
  • Uterine cancer

When performing a curative D&C, we remove the contents from within your uterus, not simply a small tissue sample. We can do so to:

  • Clear out cells that stay from the uterus after a miscarriage or abortion to stop disease or heavy bleeding
  • Eliminate a molar pregnancy, where a tumor creates instead of a normal pregnancy
  • Heal excessive bleeding following delivery by clearing any placenta which remains in the uterus
  • Eliminate cervical or uterine polyps, which are usually noncancerous (benign)

We may execute the D&C combined with a different process called a hysteroscopy. Throughout a hysteroscopy, we insert a slender instrument with a camera and light on the end in your vagina, through your cervix, and into your uterus.

We then see the lining of your uterus onto a display, noting any areas that appear abnormal, ensuring that there are not any polyps and taking tissue samples as necessary. Throughout a hysteroscopy, we may also remove uterine polyps and fibroid tumors.

Dilation and curettage are normally very secure, and complications are rare. But, there are dangers. These include:

  • Perforation of the uterus. This occurs more frequently in women who have been pregnant and in girls who’ve gone through menopause. Many perforations heal by themselves. But when a blood vessel or other organ is ruined, another procedure may be required to fix it.
  • Damage to the cervix. When the cervix is wrapped throughout the D&C, then we can use pressure or medication to prevent the bleeding or may shut the wound with stitches (sutures).
  • Scar tissue onto the uterine wall. Rarely, a D&C ends in the development of scar tissue from the uterus, a condition called Asherman’s syndrome. Asherman’s syndrome occurs most frequently when the D&C is completed after delivery or miscarriage. This may result in abnormal, absent or painful menstrual cycles, potential miscarriages, and infertility.
  • Infection following a D&C is possible but rare.